Are you interested? Leave your contact details here.
Here you will find contact information for the specific city you need. We are currently working with Göteborg, Linköping, Norrköping, Skövde, and Umeå.
Agneta Lindo
Study Coordinator/Nurse
tel: 076-6185481
email: [email protected]
Linnea Sandell
Research Assistant
tel: 070-7476575
tel: 010-1032923
Ange Bigina
Research Assistant
tel: 070-4910411
Åsa Sikter
tel: 076-1337347
Gunilla Strinnholm
Research Nurse/Pediatric Nurse
tel: 090-7852116
Marie Lindvall
Research Nurse/Pediatric Nurse
tel: 090-7852102